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Untreated Austrian natural table salt from mining in Altaussee since 1991

In the course of a lecture "Natrium muriaticum versus sodium chloratum" in 1991, natural Austrian natural salt from Altaussee was presented for the first time at the Paracelsus School in Munich. Due to the lively interest, the idea was born to offer and market this natural salt from Altaussee in Austria as exquisite natural table salt to the public. From 1993 to 2007, Austrian natural table salt was presented under the name Alpenkristallsalz® at international health fairs, mainly in Austria and Germany. Alpenkristallsalz® has also been registered and protected as a registered trademark since 1996. Alpenkristallsalz® stands for primeval Austrian natural table salttraditional Mining in the best possible quality. Almost all of the current regular customers respond to the promotion of Alpenkristallsalz® at these trade fairs asexquisite Natural salt from Austria. And although Alpenkristallsalz® has not yet been advertised on the Internet, this regular customer base has grown steadily in recent years. A special thank you goes to the many friends of the hut keepers in the beautiful mountains of Austria, who also like to use Alpenkristallsalz® for cooking and seasoning, especially the rustic "Kasnockn" and "Steirerkäskrapfn" and Alpenkristallsalz® in small gift bags the size of a matchbox, if not just completely sold out, happy to pass on to dear guests. And especially these nice little Alpenkristallsalz® gift bags have often led to surprising inquiries and some loving encounters. This was often described as follows: "... last year at the Preintaler Hütte in the Schladminger Tauern we got a bag of natural salt from Austria from the local hut landlord... Alpenkristallsalz® is on it and a telephone number... we are thrilled about it... it was then eventually run out and the bag somehow got lost. After a desperate search, because the phone number is on it, we finally found it again and we want to ask if we can order it from you..." Or: Winter, in the middle of the night. Calling from Australia!"We emigrated to Australia from Austria and were on holiday at the Berghotel Sonnalm on the Wurzeralm in Austria in the summer... there were such nice little stalls offering exquisite local products... at one there were two pretty young girls who had sold little bags of natural salt... Alpenkristallsalz® from Austria is on it... we bought three of them and took them with us... it's fantastic... we and our neighbors and friends who also wanted to have tasted it have... are you the master?... can you tell us how to get there?..." Or: Tauplitz in Austria a few years ago... As a self-respecting ski tourer and just to be on the safe side, you always have a small bag of Alpenkristallsalz® with you... And if you're a nice, smart tourer at the If you meet the hut and like each other, you can then give the pretty lady a nice little bag with exquisite natural salt from Austria - Alpenkristallsalz® is on it - as a farewell gift... Because there is also a small piece of paper with a description inside, and if you're smart, your own phone number and then it says inside:


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