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We must never forget that simply continuing to do what we have done up to now by burning fossil gas and oil seriously interferes with a living and networked system. We can no longer simply ignore this fact and avoid the ramifications of this truth any longer. Only when we finally understand what we are doing to the earth, we are doing to ourselves and what we are taking away from the earth, we are taking away from ourselves - only then will there be a fundamental shift. This shift is not only taking place in our perception and attitude, but essentially in our emotional connection to Mother Earth, our only home. This is the only way to pave the way to a deeper understanding of the climate crisis, war, hunger and water shortages and strengthen our ability to identify solutions.
The message is - everyone can do something now!


Dalai Lama

*** Current ***
July 17, 2023

Russia continues to fire civilians and kill women and children with rockets. Russia denies this.
Many in Austria even believe this...
And Austria continues to import gas from Russia...

*** Current ***
July 17, 2023

Russia continues to fire civilians and kill women and children with rockets. Russia denies this.
Many in Austria even believe this...
And Austria continues to import gas from Russia...


>> Inform now

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What Everyone Can Do >>

Wer nichts für andere tut_edited.jpg


The energy transition


Gas and oil from Russia
Lecture by Prof. Lesch

The energy transition
Lesch's cosmos




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